Marcello Forelli

The River of Time Series                             October 2, 2014

Marcello Forelli is the youngest son in the house of Forelli and a knight of Siena in medieval Italy. He's described as "long, dark, and handsome." He has curly dark hair and dark eyes. a square jaw and an aristocratic nose and cheekbones.

                                                               (Cameron Bailey)

Marcello is a very caring person. He's very aware of everyone around him and will do anything for the ones he loves. His strong character is a strong determining factor in how people view and respect him. His best friend Luca is also a potential Book Boyfriend. Marcello is fiercely loyal and compassionate while being serious and true to his royal blood. As our heroine Gabi puts it, "This guy was a serious hottie."

"'Tis not what I owe you as a man loyal to Siena, 'Tis what I owe you as a man Gabriella, You own my heart. My life and all I have in it. You have captured me, m'lady, like no one else."

"You are...uncommonly stirring."

(More to come once I get my hands on my copy again. My sister stole it.)

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