Thursday, October 2, 2014

Judgment Day: E-Book Edition

     There are two types of people in this world. Those who hate e-books, and those who love them. I have, for the most part been on the side of highly disliking them, not hating them, but very close to. My reasons? Well, the reasons were simple. I just happened to like real books better. Many book lovers, such as myself, have a deep loathing for e-books. Many of those reasons are that we all think that real books are better. Period. The end. End of discussion. 

     My arguments are always the same. There's nothing better than holding a REAL book in your lap. For me, I like to see how far I've come in the book, how big of a chunk I read in one sitting. It's a form of pride for me. I like to see how much I read, how far I came in a book in just the span of a day. I guess it's just that competitive streak in me. I won't say I'm proud. ;) I also like the weight of a book. It feels like you're holding something of substance in your hands. There's the smell, (I especially love used books), the texture, and when you hold a book in front of your nose instead of a Kindle, Nook, or iPad, it looks like you're doing something intellectual and worth-while. And let me not forget to mention the BEAUTIFUL covers such as those from Clockwork Princess, Islands of the Blessed, and Tiger Lily.

        Now e-books on the other hand, people tend to argue that you can carry thousands of books in your pocket and you don't have to worry about how much space you left in your bag for you to fit all your gargantuan books. (I'm looking at you mom). I see the point in that, but an e-book isn't as impressive as seeing all your books lined up on your shelves. I take pride in making my bookshelves look endearing and I can spend hours just looking at it and admiring my handiwork. I recently installed the Kindle app on my iPad. I'm not going to say that I totally hate e-book form now. I've gotten loads of free books from BookBub and some are actually very good. I recently just downloaded Alexandra Bracken's The Darkest Minds for only .99 cents.

     Yes, I'm reading a book off my Kindle app right now. Yes, in some ways I find it beneficial, and yes, I intend to buy the books I enjoy from e-book edition in a hard copy. I don't think that e-books are the spawn of the devil, but I do take issue that they're replacing regular books and that they could potentially be the only kind of books we'll be able to get in the near future. 

    So, with that being said, who wants to open a bookstore with me?


Thursday, September 11, 2014

My Blogging Portal

     So, it seems I have discovered blogging. Why not give this a shot? 

     First and foremost, I should probably introduce myself. My name's Lauren. I live on the west coast not that far from the Pacific. I'm a writer, a reader, a musician, and now a blogger. I blame my parents for giving me the creative gene, honestly. They were doomed since the beginning. My mom was a theater and music major while my dad was a history and theology major. Really, they weren't going to get any kids who conduct experiments in their spare time.

     I have two younger sisters, a dog, and two guinea pigs. (Well, actually they're my sister's. I can't stand the little critters). I've been reading my whole life. The first book that really kick-started me into reading "big kid books" was Lord of the Rings, believe it or not. I've always had a soft spot in my heart for those books because they were the ones that introduced me into the book world. I don't think I would've ever picked up Harry Potter, or Percy Jackson, or the Hunger Games trilogy if it hadn't been for those books. 

     I'm a writer as well. I have finished two books and am working on the third. I hope to keep people updated if they're interested to see how my writing process is coming along and what's going on inside my head. Seriously, there's so much. Sometimes I feel like my brain's about to explode. 

     So, this blogging thing...let's see how it goes. I guess we're just one big mess of people creating something that we're passionate about. And right now seems like a good time for me to get on that band-wagon and see where it ends up taking me.